Have you ever looked back at a difficult season and realized it was shaping you for something greater?
At the time, it felt frustrating. Confusing. Maybe even unfair.
You questioned if you were doing something wrong.
You wondered if you were falling behind.
But then, months or years later, you saw the full picture. The struggle made sense. The detour wasn’t random. The delays weren’t wasted.
I’ve learned that most of the time, clarity doesn’t come in the moment—it comes in hindsight.
📌 The rejection was redirection.
📌 The delay was preparation.
📌 The confusion was a setup for clarity you wouldn’t have gained otherwise.
We want to understand everything now, but faith isn’t about full visibility—it’s about trusting the steps before they make sense.
You may not see it yet, but you are not stuck. You are being prepared.